12 July 2003

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That was Jane's Addiction--JUST BECAUSE Censorship rears its ugly head. The spot Ricky and Steve made the day before, will not be on air. The MD and Karl are afraid of a fine and losing their jobs. Wish we could hear that spot--I bet it was good. Karl--"to be honest i'd turn off today, cause there's nothin'!" Ricky--"Have we got monkey news karl?" Karl--"I dont know, I cant be bothered" Ricky--LHAO Telling stories about getting caught swearing. Karl has school-days stories. Steve and Ricky then have some stories about how kids treated teachers at school. How they could wind up the teachers. Kids playing mind games with teachers. Steve had one about a teacher who had a cat that got run over. Ricky had a french class story--swearing on tape for french class. the teacher went mental. Smithers is shit---Dicky Bird. etc. "I'm glad you think it's funny mister Gervais!!!" These stories cheer karl up a little bit. Does Karl have any school-days stories? Karl was the kind of kid who never had a pen. After the first couple weeks down, karl woulda lost his pen. But Karl's class had to draw pictures--"draw a birds-eye view of your house" so the teachers could see which family had nicked the stuff. Since stuff went missing. "No that's not a split tennis ball, that's me auntie nora's..." says ricky. Today's Songs of Phrase is "No more cheeky freak of the week" Darkness--Growing on Me...70s rock. it's nice to have rock back. high five mate. sweet sweet. And now multiple playings of "No...more...cheeky..freaky of the...weeek" Steve--"let's just name the artists" then lists the prizes. An email from an expectant father, "how do you coaxe the baby out?" karl--"no..i wouldnt rush out. it's not good out here. and now suzanne's mate is expecting, so suzanne now wants one" karl now slags off baby pictures. And now a story about a 70 year old who didnt get served a beer cause they thought he was a baby. it's weird, innit? ricky..."right--play a record, you're an idiot" ricky..."can we run this station for a week?" steve..."well, we'd have to fire ourselves. does 'pissing in the wind' mean anything to you?" ricky--"why don't we pre-reoord the whole show. we'd only have to come in once. karl

karl karl karl

karl karl" steve--"play a song he's driving ME mad now"

"karl karl karl" A girl named Summer had gone missing but was found reading a book

but-her dad changed his name to Dragon what? karl"when i was 7 i wanted to be called Brett" he had a mate called brett

karl got his name because his mum got pneumonia and had a dream when she was pregnant. the doctor's name was karl in the dream. Three bits of depressing news this week. An old woman who swallowed a fork after swallowing a cockroach. This leads to the discussion of someone who had a bottle stuck up his arse. The doctor's notes said something like, "the story might have been more believable if Safeway sold HP Source with condoms already attached" Karl--"I can't be bothered now. working with ricky is a nightmare" Hastings--bed and breakfast for 40 quid, the weather's nice... Steve--after the ads....songs of phrase answers. When Steve worked for a paper in Bristol, he had to call up a local hotel and ask what were the most unusual things left behind. The things--a chicken and a false leg. Where can you find these two things except on Paul McCartney's farm? Discussion goes on to pirate peg legs, pirate hooks, etc. Songs of Phrase answers. Paul McCartney, Cheeky Girls, Sugar Babes, Space, and Beatles. Ricky--"where's Dicky Anderson?" and now an aggressive jingle for monkey news: Karl gives a recap of recent monkey news, true or not... There's a monkey prison in India. What a zoo? Karl has trouble saying THEFT, so after a while he changes it to ROBBIN' since Ricky won't let it go. Steve has an on-air read of the story. Seems this story might actually be true. Karl--"for Robbin' an' that" Seems the monkeys were trained to steal an' that. Steve--"Do they get conjugal rights?" Karl didnt catch the meaning of this of course. and the show ends with that...