26 April 2003/Transcript

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This is a transcription of the 26 April 2003 episode, from Xfm Series 2

How Old're You?

Song: Blur - Out Of Time

Ricky: Blur, 'Out Of Time' on XFM 104.9. Ricky Gervais. With me Steve Merchent, Karl Pilkington.

Steve: Yeah.

Ricky: Steve's a bit quiet, he's got a bit of a sore throat.

Steve: Oh, a bit of a sore throat? Murder, all week, it's been murder Rick.

Ricky: It's...we couldn't work all this week, um..

Steve: I've been off sick.

Ricky: Steve's been in Brist...Karl. You're not impressed.

Karl: It's just, I d...I don't understand why having a sore throat, sort of...

Ricky: Oooooh. Oh he's done you.

Steve: Right. What if the sore throat was so painful it was like you've got broken glass and razor blades in your throat? You can hear now I'm not even speaking from down in my throat, I'm speaking from the top of it like that so it sounds a bit weird.

Karl: But you're right.

Steve: What?

Karl: Your hands are alright aren't they?

Steve: Yeah but we talk when we're writing don't we and I can barely talk. It was in mur..I was in agony, I couldn't sleep because it was so painful even when I was just lying there, motionless, it was hurting.

{{Karl|I just was surprised 'cos I got back off holiday and er, called Ricky

Froggy Says Buy It

Ricky: (As Dr Frog) Ooooo! 'Ello you loonies in radio land! Dr Frog here! To tell about the new edition of X-Ray Magazine! It's only £3.50. You've not heard of it? It's a GREAT music magazine! And you get a free CD! Featuring bands like Placebo (they wear makeup, but leave 'em alone.) Cold Chains, Smog, OK Go, The Donners All Gray Band that you'll, you'll love to, FROGGY HERE, HI! RIBBIT RIBBIT, FROGGY SAYS BUY IT!

Who's That at the Door?

Gayvid Gray, the Bent Pianist

Always Stinking of Chip Fat

So Here We Go Then

There's No Thread To Them

Tourettes Trent D'Arby

I'd Like a Severe Blow

Talkin' of Weird Heads and Stuff

Restaurants Don't Allow Animals