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'''Lanky Goggle-eyed Geek''' <br><small>14th August 2011</small><br>
'''A right load of tweets''' <br><small>1st July 2013</small><br>
Stephen Merchant has leant his writing skills to a recent article in ''''The Guardian'''' titled [http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/aug/12/teenage-awkward-years-stephen-merchant 'The Awkward Years']. In the article Steve details his geeky teenage years and shares some classic Smerch stories. As good as those anecdotes may be, the real highlights are the fantastic photographs of Steve as a awkward teen.

Discuss the article on our forum [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11342&view=unread#unread here.]
Pilkipedia's social media has been kicking into high gear as of late. Click on the icons on the left to "like" our Facebook page, or to follow us on Twitter as we expand our efforts to spread The Gospel of Karl to the furthest reaches of the little roundy globe. And, of course, there's always the [http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCikkxZCS53s8JeBvRIcz4mA PilkipediaTV channel on YouTube! <br>]


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'''Steve On Ronnie Corbett's Comedy Britain''' <br><small>8th August 2011</small><br>
'''Steve Merchant teases''' <br><small>10th June 2013</small><br>
Those of you who tuned in to 'Ronnie Corbett's Comedy Britain' will have seen [[Stephen Merchant]] receiving fashion tips from Ronnie Corbett. Smerch appeared in part one of the ITV1 two part series, with part two airing on Saturday, August 13th 2011 at 9:00PM.

Watch Steve's appearance on our Youtube channel [http://www.youtube.com/pilkipediatv here], and be sure to subscribe.
Steve Merchant and HBO have teamed up to turn the goggle-eyed funnyman's "Hello Ladies" stand-up tour into a sitcom. The show will follow the exploits of Stuart, a man looking for love or the temporary biological equivalent. It is scheduled to air in September, and last night HBO released the first "teaser" for the program, in which he and mate Wade attempt to chat up women in a bar.

You can watch the trailer and tell us what you thought on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].
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'''First Look At Family Guy Artwork''' <br><small>5th August 2011</small><br>
Today Ricky revealed the final character artwork for his guest spot on Family Guy. Ricky will be playing a dolphin by the name of Billy Finn in the upcoming episode ''''Be Careful What You Fish For''''. The episode will air sometime in the 2011 - 2012 season beginning this September.
Are you excited about the episode? Let us know on [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 our forum.]


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'''Gervais' Dave-jà Vu''' <br><small>3rd August 2011</small><br>
'''Welcome to the world, kid...this is Karl Pilkington''' <br><small>1st June 2013</small><br>
Ricky Gervais will make his 19th appearance on '''Late Night with David Letterman''' tonight. Ricky stated via his blog that ''it was great in a "who cares, let's just f**k around and have fun instead of plugging a film" sort of way''. Those of you in the states can watch a preview of Ricky's interview [http://www.cbs.com/late_night/late_show/video/?pid=3uloSD9uGauEbUK_4cZjXhdaGNBDWuiT here.]

The episode will air tonight at 11.35 pm on CBS. Don't forget to [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 join our forum!]
Well-traveled [[Karl_Pilkington|Karl Pilkington]] will be continuing his adventures in Sky1's "The Moaning Of Life", slated to air in the fall of this year. According to early press releases, the five-part series "will take Karl all around the world as he encounters different cultures and examines how they handle 'life's big issues', while he faces his own mortality and future."

Apparently he's already faced one of the biggest issues, having helped deliver a baby in Indonesia.

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Yes. Karl helped '''deliver a baby.'''
'''Will Ricky Get Knocked Down A Pegg?''' <br><small>August 1st 2011</small><br>
British themed blog '''Anglophenia''' has pitted two of Britain's biggest comedians against each other. Ricky Gervais and Simon Pegg will go head to head in the Anglo Fan Favorites Tournament: The Men of 2011. Ricky and Simon, along with 30 other British TV and movie stars, will battle it out for the title of "Anglophile fan favourite of 2011".

Cast your vote [http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/07/29/vote-in-the-anglo-fan-favorites-tournament-the-men-of-2011/5/ here]. Be sure to [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 join our forum] and tell us who you voted for.  
Excited? Delighted? Disgusted? Share your thoughts on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].


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'''Ricky Finds New Porpoise On Television''' <br><small>25th July 2011</small><br>
'''Be Round...Rewound''' <br><small>1st May 2013</small><br>
It has been known for quite some time that [[Ricky Gervais]] is set to guest star in an upcoming episode of '''Family Guy'''. Steve Callaghan, executive producer of the popular animated sitcom, has revealed that Ricky will be lending his voice to a dolphin befriended by Peter Griffin. The announcement was made during the 2011 Comic-Con in San Diego. Ricky is no stranger to animation, he has already appeared in 2 episodes of [[The Simpsons]] and his very own series [[The Ricky Gervais Show (HBO)]].

Watch the video on our forum [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=11303 here.]
It's time for our once-every-few-year '''Pilkipedia Rewind.''' Forum members started with the pre-Karl Pilkington Xfm shows and are currently giving a listen to the weekly shows that started it all. We'll be taking several months to listen to the catalog of radio programmes, podcasts, and audiobooks. Join us in the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 forum] to join in on the fun! ''(Please note: we do not provide links to copyrighted programming.)''


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'''Good Lord, Ricky!''' <br><small>22nd July 2011</small><br>
'''Biddily Biddily Biddily Bong''' <br><small>18th March 2013</small><br>
It was revealed earlier in the week that Ricky Gervais and Clyde Phillips, best known for his work on the hit TV series Dexter, are to write and produce a TV series named 'Afterlife'. Early reports stated that Ricky is set to have a cameo in the series, however he has since revealed that he will be playing none other than the big man himself. [[Ricky Gervais]], well known for his outspoken atheism, will be taking on the role of God in the new TV show. 2009's [[The Invention of Lying]] touched on the subject of religion and was subsequently met with much criticism from religious groups. However, Gervais has stated that this is not an "atheist comedy".
Why not [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/index.php join our forum] and voice your opinion?

Our thoughts: ''"Absolutely outstanding. The best thing he's done in YEARS. Loved every single thing about it." "Absolutely hilarious from beginning to end." "That was great! I won't be able to get Equality Street out of my head for a while, but I'm okay with that strangely." "I enjoyed this a lot. "Rum & coke? Red Stripe? Lilt?" - that was masterful."''

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The return of Brent was a massive hit with us, but what did you think?
'''Gervais Double Emmy Nomination''' <br><small>20th July 2011</small><br>
Ricky's hosting of the 68th Golden Globe Awards, along with his second HBO stand-up special, have been nominated for Emmys at the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards. Ricky has confirmed that he will be attending the ceremony being held on August 6th 2011 in Los Angeles, California. The chubby funster has some tough competition in both categories, but we at '''Pilkipedia''' wish him the best of luck. <br>

Will Ricky receive another set of bookends? Let us know on [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=26 our forum.]  
Let us know your thoughts via the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=12090 Forum], [http://www.twitter.com/Pilkipedia Twitter] or [http://www.facebook.com/Pilkipedia Facebook!]


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'''Ricky's Modern Dwarf-are''' <br><small>14th July 2011</small><br>
According to [http://www.rickygervais.com/thissideofthetruth.php Ricky's blog], an unspecified news source has misinterpreted a quote from Stephen Merchant
stating that during the filming of [[Life's Too Short]], Ricky yelled "FIGHT!" at the end of a take. The article claimed that Ricky has been encouraging the dwarf actors to fight each other on set. The two brawling actors in question were in fact Warwick Davis and Steve Brody. <br>
Let us know what you think on [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=26 our forum.] Hopefully Warwick is staying clear of Ricky's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBTxaQE5flU accidental n-n-n-n-knee.]

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'''Pilkipedia's New Logo''' <br><small>12th July 2011</small><br>
'''Derek: Series Review''' <br><small>7th March 2013</small><br>
After 5 years of service, having been around since the conception of Pilkipedia in April 2006, the Pilkiglobe, our long-running site logo has finally been retired. Replacing the iconic Pilkihead is our new site logo, featuring a monkey we have named '''Marty''', after the internet-savvy chatroom chimp from the Xfm shows.<br>
"The Office and Extras are truly my favourite live-action TV comedies. So when Life's Too Short came around I was very much anticipating the show, and in the end I found it to be silly, stupid, and forgettable. I did enjoy catching each episode, once I got used to what the show was, but in no way have I ever wanted to revisit the series. Nor can I even name my favourite recurring character. I pretty much disliked them all.

The new logo is the result of our long running "''Design a Logo''" competition, and was designed by site user '''Shey-Ana'''. The logo has been changed on the default forum skin, the wiki, the favicon and the Twitter and Facebook pages.
So coming off of Life's Too Short, I realized that Steve and Ricky were capable of highs, but they were also very much capable of lows. Then came the announcement of Derek. Given the disappointment that was Life's Too Short, and the fact that Derek was a solo Ricky project, my expectations were lowered and I hoped for the best but wasn't expecting anything that matched Office or Extras. All I knew of Derek was the old short film, which was always a favourite of mine..."

'''Continued here:''' [[Derek_Series_Review|Derek Series Review]]

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'''The Office - Top Ten Moments''' <br><small>28th June 2011</small><br>
'''Wiki Gervais''' <br><small>7th March 2013</small><br>
It will be ten years next month since the very first episode of The Office was broadcast on BBC2, and we here at Pilkipedia plan to celebrate in style and are starting off by voting for our Top Ten Favourite Moments from the show.<br><br> After counting all your nominations we have picked the ten most popular and they are now being put to the vote, you can have your say by [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Greatest_Office_Moments visiting this page.]
Keep checking back for the winner and other Office-related shenanigans!

As you may well know, the hub of Pilkipedia.co.uk has always been our extensive wiki covering every aspect of Ricky, Steve and Karl's work. As well as episode pages for each and every [[Episode_pages|Xfm show and podcast]] we also have pages on [[The_Office|The Office]], [[Extras]], [[Life's_Too_Short|Life's Too Short]], [[Derek]] and much much more. We have recently held a '''"Wiki Week"''' designed to ensure we stay as up to date as possible and are always on the look out for volunteers wanting to expand the world's knowledge of RSK. If you would like to do you bit, check out the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=5911 Wiki thread on the forum] for more details.

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'''FAQ My Life''' <br><small>26th May 2011</small><br>
'''David Brent Rises''' <br><small>February 28th 2013</small><br>
Filming on Ricky and Steve's third sitcom is underway and in case you haven't kept up with all the news on Life's Too Short, we here at Pilkipedia have produced a brief FAQ that includes all the essential information about the show. Why not give it a read and let all the folks round the water cooler know just how bloody informed you are about the latest dwarf-based mockumentaries.
[[Life's Too Short FAQ]]
For other discussion about the show, check out our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10045 forum].
If you like talking about things that happen on the telly, discussion is underway over on our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=11151 forum].

Ricky has today announced via a YouTube video the return of his most iconic character, everyone's least favourite boss David Brent. The return is part of the upcoming Comic Relief extravaganza and you can check out the preview [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjmfGE1R5lQ here.] Although Brent briefly appeared in the American office as part of Michael Scott's farewell episodes, this is the first time since the 2003 Christmas specials that we've seen The Brentmeister General in action. Are you excited to find out what Brent's been up to in the intervening years? Share your thoughts with us on the [http://pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=12090 forum.]

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'''Ay Karl-umba! (Don't Have a Karl, Man)''' <br><small>19th May 2011</small><br>
'''Derek: A Review of Half an Episode''' <br><small>February 27th 2013</small><br>
According to Gerv's blog, Karl has finally hit the heights of fame and is set to appear on a future episode of The Simpsons. Said Rick; "''Oh, he's also excited about being on The Simpson's. I won't give the joke away but they are featuring a little clip of The Ricky Gervais Show in a future episode. He said, "good that init?" Trust me. That's him being over the fucking moon.''" Of course, it is widely known that [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSFLuyTzrIE the Simpsons' folk are long time Karl fans], so it was only a matter of time until Gervais talked them into including the bald manc.

If you like talking about things that happen on the telly, discussion is underway over on our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=11151 forum].
"As a self-professed RSK mega-fan since early 2007, I, like others, anticipated greatly the debut of '''Derek''' on Channel 4. After the promising pilot aired early last year, followed by a more than fair opening to this season’s run, things looked bright for the series, and more importantly, for everyone’s favourite (former) chubby funster, [[Ricky Gervais]] himself, after the critical disaster that was Warwick Davis vehicle “'''Life’s Too Short'''”. Was the ill-fated dwarf-umentary merely a blip in an otherwise strong creative resumé, or had Gervais’ creative powers started to wane, revealing him as a one-trick pony unable to escape the comfort zone he repeatedly returned to?"

Continued here: [[Derek_Episode_5_Review|Derek: A Review of Half an Episode]]

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'''Ricky embarks on "Spy Kids" adventure.''' <br><small>7th May 2011</small><br>
'''Derek: Episode 4''' <br><small>February 21st 2013</small><br>
Things are looking "ruff" for everyone's favourite comedian and award show host, as [[Ricky Gervais]] is set to voice a robot dog in Robert Rodriguez's latest "Spy Kids" movie. "''Not only am I lending my voice to Spy Kids, but they can keep it. I'm sick of it''." said Gervais, who is known for his tendancy to take on less reputable roles as a 'favour' to his celeb mates. Also set to star in the next installment of the series are Jessica Alba, Joel McHale, and "Spy Kids" stalwart Antonio Banderas.

For those baffled by Ricky's decision to take on yet another questionable movie role, discussion is underway over on our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=11151 forum].
"The first eight minutes of Derek are a pleasant mixture of occasionally funny yet somewhat random sketches. At which point the baddie-of-the-week turns up to let us know that Hannah is wonderful and selfless and other people are cartoonish villains who feel the need to say any tactless comment that comes to mind, despite being in the company of complete strangers and a documentary crew..."

Continued here: [[Derek_Episode_4_Review|Derek: Episode 4]]

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'''Three is the Magic Number (and Four)!''' <br><small>28th April 2011</small><br>
'''Froggy says donate!''' <br><small>February 19th 2013</small><br>
According to [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=5157&amp;view=unread#p376097 Ricky's Blog], [[The Ricky Gervais Show (HBO)|The Ricky Gervais Show]], which currently airs in the US on [[HBO]], has been renewed for not only one, but for '''two more seasons''', bringing us to a total of '''four''' full seasons of [[Ricky]], [[Steve]] and [[Karl]]'s inane drivel. What's more, Ricky has indicated that the majority, if not all, of the content comprising the show's fourth season will consist of '''never-before heard material from unreleased podcasts and interviews!'''
For further Ricky Gervais Show discussion, as well as the latest updates on the show, why don't you check out our wonderful [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum forum]?

Self-proclaimed Derek fanatic and new [http://pilkipedia.co.uk/forum Pilkipedia forum] member, Tadpole Hitler, recently brought to our attention a [http://www.justgiving.com/tadpolehitler charity project he has set up to help "Friends of the Elderly."]

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Tadpole Hitler's fan site, [http://tadpolehitler.com TadpoleHitler.com], has achieved some overnight success and won favour with the man himself, Gervais, for its efforts to promote the new comedy. The website now features an exclusive interview with our own favourite bald Manc, as well as other members of the cast and crew of Derek, and we hear there is yet more to come.
'''Does Ricky Go Out Late?''' <br><small>12th April 2011</small><br>
There was a Ricky Gervais-themed storm on Twitter today as thousands of people viewed, retweeted and disapproved of comments by Daily Star on Sunday columnist Joe Mott. As you can see in the picture to the left, Mott made some insensitive remarks regarding Ricky's recent weight loss, implying that were he gay some might think he were suffering from AIDS.

But rather than "rest on his laurels," Tadpole Hitler is using the site's traffic and popularity to raise awareness for the charities that support struggling elderly citizens, and we say "bravo".

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'''Hair (transplant) of a Chinaman?''' <br><small>1st April 2011</small><br>
'''Third time's the charm - A review''' <br><small>February 14th 2013</small><br>
According to ''The Sun'' newspaper our beloved K-Man is considering spending some of his new found TV wealth on shedding his baldy round-headed image by splashing out on a £20,000 hair transplant.

They quote a 'source working on the second series of his hit show An Idiot Abroad' as saying ''"...following his new found FAME Karl has found more and more people are stopping him in the street to make comments about his baldness and peculiarly round head, he is SICK of it. He hopes a hair transplant may stop some of the ABUSE and perhaps make him more appealing to producers and casting directors as he looks to cash in on his new celebrity status."''
''by Jake (Jenson's Beard) Fleming

The Sun even went as far as mocking up photos of what Karl would look like with a variety of celebrity hairstyles including Justin Bieber, George Clooney, Jedward and even chubby funster Ricky Gervais himself.
After an average first episode, and a very messy second one, it seems like Derek has finally found its stride with a much funnier, sweeter episode than the previous two.

Though this week's edition began with another lame scene involving Kev, it quickly picked up with some amusing moments involving Derek and a far more believable story arc featuring Marge. Though there was a degree of sentimentality in this episode, it didn't feel anywhere near as forced as the rather bizarre ending to the second episode.

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One of the gripes regarding the first two episodes was that Derek hadn't really been a part of the show much, either in the plot or in any of the comical scenes. However, there were three big scenes in the episode that allowed the titular character to enjoy a few legitimately funny moments, including an example of Derek's rather sweet naivety when he calls an ambulance to save a baby bird. While Derek's scenes didn't have me belly-laughing, they were a vast improvement on the awkward attempts at slapstick seen in the pilot, which was probably the last time we really saw Derek involved in a comedy scene.
'''"Talking Funny" comes to Sky Atlantic''' <br><small>29h March 2011</small><br>
Ricky Gervais' latest endeavour, a roundtable discussion featuring the biggest names in comedy, entitled "Talking Funny", is coming soon to Sky Atlantic! The show will feature in depth discussion on the technique involved in creating top class comedy, as Gervais is joined by fellow funnymen Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock and Louis CK. Interested? Well, you can check out a little teaser video of the show here, at [http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/video/1226/gervais-hits-sky-atlantic Shortlist.com]. For US Gervheads, the show will air on HBO.

The episode is held together by the story involving Marge, one of the elderly residents. Her daughter comes to visit... [[Third time's the charm: review of Derek, episode 3|Read More]]

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'''Half-Quiz Half-Vulcan''' <br><small>15th March 2011</small><br>
'''Dashing Hope? The Derek Story - A review''' <br><small>February 8th 2013</small><br>
The guys and girls at [http://www.shortlist.com ShortList] are continuing to devote themselves to our entertainment with their plethora of quizzes, including two of particular interest to us [[RSK]] fans. Take their challenge and test your knowledge of hit sitcoms [[The Office]] and [[Extras]] on their website, found [http://www.shortlist.com/quizzes/quiz/46/the-office-quiz here] and [http://www.shortlist.com/quizzes/quiz/48/extras-quiz here] respectively. We at Pilkipedia had a hard time achieving full marks; can you do better?

[http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&amp;t=11055 Visit the forums to post and compare your scores with other fans!]
''by Barry Murphy

I wanted to like this show, I really, really did. I thought the pilot was a fabulous effort, and was genuinely touching. As it turns out, that probably should have just been a stand-alone short film of sorts.

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This was just bad. On a few levels.
'''Xfm shows no longer available on Pilkipedia''' <br><small>11th March 2011</small><br>
A sad day is upon us. Following communication from the legal department of Global Radio (parent company of Xfm), we have had to remove all instances of the Xfm shows (and Xfm logo) from the wiki. Due to this awareness of copyright infringement, '''it is now against this website's rules to post links to any content originally broadcast on Xfm, on either the wiki or forums, without express permission from Global Radio'''. It is enforced equally to the rule regarding any piracy of RSK content.

Truly sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Several of my main gripes have been mentioned in the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11701 Derek forum], but the show in general is just not as clever as it thinks it is. It's a mess of try-hard sentiment and mixed messages. In one episode it wants to play the "it doesn't matter if I'm autistic/different card" and in the next it goes to "why did you give him (this 50 YEAR OLD man) alcohol?!". This sequence effectively treated Derek like he was a 16 year old autistic, and Hannah was his mum. Similarly, it wants to preach about Derek: how "kindness is magic" and "it doesn't matter if I'm autistic", but much of this episode's humour was derived from mocking doddery old farts for being thick and senile. Then, to pile on the insults, the closing credit sequence was a weird montage of the residents in their youth; the latest "oh aren't we really deep" sentiment this show has tried to force on the audience with all the subtlety of a brick up the urethra. Leaving aside the hypocrisy of those credits - because you could argue that making fun of them earlier was just a way of contrasting what they ''are'' with what they ''were'' - why was this even in the show? It really wasn't a focal point of the episode at all, so more than anything else I found myself asking "wait... what? Why?"

[[Dashing hope: the derek story|Read More]]

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'''Ricky sure nose what we want: NEW PODCAST RELEASED!''' <br><small>7th March 2011</small><br>
'''Pilkipedia presents: the LoudySpeak Podcast Network''' <br><small>February 5th 2013</small><br>
It's been a while now since we last heard from the lads in their trademark podcast form, but today, thanks to some charity event or something, ''The Ricky Gervais Guide To... Comic Relief'' has been released and is available for download via iTunes! Who "nose" what [[Karl]] will come out with this time, with his well known opinion on charity! We may well be on course for a 2011 version of the [[Series_1_Episode_4#1._Englishgoat_in_Africa_.280:00.29|"Goat to Africa" story]]. Fans can download the podcast [http://www.google.ie/url?sa=t&amp;source=web&amp;cd=1&amp;ved=0CBQQFjAA&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2Fus%2Fpodcast%2Fthe-ricky-gervais-podcast%2Fid135789411&amp;ei=YXd0TZDOONGDhQez5vzcCA&amp;usg=AFQjCNFnsqVIGW3GkfuT_4d52QIZvU8NlQ&amp;sig2=2kSQxceJkaH05EMKWkmMAw here] for those with iTunes, and [http://www.mediafire.com/?prtj4w572sppnch here] for those without it <br>

For discussion on The Ricky Gervais Guide To... Comic Relief, head over to our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&amp;t=11009 forum].  
One exciting aspect of Pilkipedia is the creation of [http://www.loudyspeak.com/podcasts/ LoudySpeak], a network of audio and video podcasts largely designed by - but not just ''for'' - Pilkipedians. This week, content providers have stepped up to provide lots of original material...all for free!

You can listen to audio podcasts of the wrestling standby [http://www.loudyspeak.com/podcasts/chairshot/ ChairShot Podcast], forum favorite [http://www.loudyspeak.com/podcasts/knockinabahbahbah/ KABBB], political talk with [http://www.loudyspeak.com/podcasts/logic/ The Logicast], and two separate-but-equal film review programs: [http://www.loudyspeak.com/podcasts/movieguff/ MovieGuff] and [http://www.loudyspeak.com/podcasts/jeffandtomwatchfilms/ Jeff and Tom watch films.]

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Video content includes the stellar video game program [http://bastartpodcast.com/ B, A, START], Pilkipedia's original comedy show [http://www.loudyspeak.com/podcasts/scotlandrocks/category/vids/vids-series-3/ huitlacoche], and another great film review program, [http://www.loudyspeak.com/podcasts/itsapodcast/ it's_a_podcast].
'''Steve enters the really big leagues''' <br><small>3rd March 2011</small><br>
The simmering rumours of a tour have revealed themselves, to the joy of smerchettes around the UK. Steve has an intensive 40 date schedule, hitting locations from Bournemouth to Edinburgh. See a full list and buy tickets starting 9am Friday [http://www.livenation.co.uk/artist/stephen-merchant-tickets here]. The PR campaign has begun with two short adverts from LiveNation ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&amp;v=6Dq4Fgh0gFM here] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRNsAN8dTuI here]), and continues with scheduled Friday appearances on Heart radio's Have a Heart appeal at 10am and The One Show at 7pm on BBC1 - of course all under the pretense of Comic Relief. <br>
As always, you can check out our tremendous [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum] for all the latest on Steve's [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10058 gigs] and [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10373 junkets].

We hope you enjoy this content! If you'd like to host your own podcast, contact this gentleman [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=1881 here.]

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'''Steve takes his stand up to new heights!''' <br><small>20th February 2011</small><br>
The plodding progress of three years of sporadic, low key stand up gigs from Steve may be finally stepped up a gear. At [http://www.asda-entertainment.co.uk/dvd/stephen-merchant-live/10362058.html ASDA.com] and [http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/4-/18852413/Stephen-Merchant-Live/Product.html?searchstring=stephen+merchant+live&amp;searchtype=allproducts&amp;searchsource=0&amp;urlrefer=search Play.com], a "Stephen Merchant Live DVD" is available for pre-order, set to release in November. The only live show Steve is booked for currently is [http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/user/?region=gb_london&amp;query=detail&amp;event=431249 18th March at Bush Hall], but check back at the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10058 Stephen Merchant Stand Up thread] in our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/index.php forum] for all the latest as the summer season approaches.
<br><br>In the nearer future Steve will be back on American television on Conan this coming Thursday. It's scheduled as a junket for [[An Idiot Abroad]], but there will surely be a passing mention of Steve's minor roll in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bf4ROT0l4s Hall Pass], released on the 25th.
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'''Will to take the 'Arness at Dunder Mifflin?''' <br><small>12th February 2011</small><br>
According to his [http://pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=5157 blog], [[Ricky Gervais]] has thrown "Arrested Development" star Will Arnett's name into the hat to take the reins as the new head honcho of the [[The_Office_(US_Series)|US Version]] of [[The Office]] once [[Steve Carell]] walks away at the end of the current season. “''Had a little meeting with NBC about various things and recommended Will Arnett for a regular in The Office'',” wrote the bearded comedian. “''Thoughts? I think he’s amazing.''”. Initially, there had been whispers that Gervais himself might have been in the frame to take over, but it now appears as though these rumours have been dispelled.
<br>The news has been met on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum Pilkipedia Forum] with excitement. What do you think, is Arnett the man for the "G.O.B."?
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'''An Idiot Abroad 2: The Bucket List''' <br><small>1st February 2011</small><br>
Karl Pilkington appeared on The Richard Bacon show on BBC 5live this afternoon to exclusively announce that a second series of An Idiot Abroad would be filmed and broadcast this year. The new series will feature Karl travelling the globe to take part in activities that are considered 'things you should do before you die' otherwise known as A Bucket List. There are few other details available at present, but you can listen to all of them [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCDQDp7bpHs here] and remember to check out the Pilkipedia website and forum for further developments as they happen.
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'''The Cod-father asks fishermen to stop wasting Extras''' <br><small>25th January 2011</small><br>
[[Ricky Gervais]] today joined fellow entertainers Stephen Fry &amp; Paolo Nutini in joining the "Fish Fight", a campaign aimed to reduce the waste of unwanted catch by fishermen. "''It isn't fair on fishermen or fish-eaters and it certainly isn't fair on fish''." said the sleek funnyman. Many celebrities have already signed the petition, which aims to prevent dead and dying fish being thrown back into the sea by fishermen,  and members of the public are also urged to get involved, over at [http://www.fishfight.net fishfight.net]<br><br>
For all things Ricky, Steve and Karl why not check out our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=8 wondeful forum]?
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'''A Media Merchant Abroad''' <br><small>24th January 2011</small><br>
Steve decided to do a few PR bits and bobs since he popped over to the US for the Golden Globes. He seemed cool and calm on [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk_qEREB4wk Jimmy Fallon last Wednesday], perhaps because of the luck he's been having with beauties like [http://tallbaby.tumblr.com/post/2802659481 January Jones] and [http://tallbaby.tumblr.com/post/2894882951 Rose Byrne].  He then went on [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cneADbXWRi0 Opie and Anthony's satellite radio show], where he was taken aback by some proper American vulgarity. He's made his way to premiers and art openings, and has generally been a bit of a media hot shot. With speaking rolls in two major films coming out in February ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPQyg8XtGsw ''Gnomeo and Juliet''] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A5zZakDJno ''Hall Pass'']), a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz0PvYiHjwE voice-over in ''Portal 2''], and TV shows on air and in development with Gervais, things are looking up for our wurzel, lanky lady's man.<br><br>
To find out all the latest and chat about new projects from Steve, Rick and Karl check out [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=8 our forum]!
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'''Get a Globe of This!''' <br><small>23th January 2011</small><br>
Well, [[Ricky Gervais|Ricky]]'s done it again! After causing controversy at last years [[67th_Annual_Golden_Globe_Awards|Golden Globes]], the chubby funster has once again stirred the press into a frenzy, with his outrageous gags allegedly raising the ire of multiple Hollywood celebrities... and Tim Allen. While many outlets have been outspoken in their denouncement of Gerv's behaviour, many celebs have also come out in support of the rotund funnyman, including his mate David Letterman, and A-list actors Christian Bale &amp; Steve Buscemi.
Has Ricky gone too far this time? Is the world overreacting to harmless comedy yet agan? Make your views heard on [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10926 our forum]!
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'''Great Scott! Brent to dance his way onto US screens!''' <br><small>20th January 2011</small><br>
Multiple entertainment outlets  have reported this week that Ricky Gervais' zany [[The Office|Office]] alter-ego, [[David Brent]], is set to appear in the [[The Office (US Series)|US version of the show]]. The Office showrunner Paul Lieberstein has been quoted as saying: ''"It's a little more than if you blink, you'll miss it, but if you don't set your TiVo right, you'll miss it,"''. This suggests that Gervais will appear in no more than a cameo, but even a short appearance by the Slough slavedriver will have fans of both versions of the show salivating at the prospect of an awkward David Brent/[[Michael Scott]] face-off. Ricky himself today confirmed the appearance via his blog.
<br><br> Ricky is set to appear in "''The Seminar''", airing on 27th January on NBC.<br><br>
Of course, for further discussion on The Office, David Brent and all things Ricky, Steve &amp; Karl,  you can check out [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ our forum]!
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'''The rain in Spain falls mainly on the BRAINS?!?''' <br><small>8th January 2011</small><br>
Another late Christmas present for Pilki-fans across the US, as you lucky yanks can now watch the season premiere of [[The_Ricky_Gervais_Show_(HBO)|The Ricky Gervais Show]] a week early! The episode titled [[Fame_Souvenir_Program_Podcast#3._Who_The_FUCK_Is_Clive_Warren.3F.21_.280:05:02.29|"Clive Warren"]] is now available to stream or to download at hbo.com and on iTunes. Veteran followers will of course remember Karl's hilarious movie pitch from the [[Fame_Souvenir_Program_Podcast|Fame podcast]], but will want to revisit it as [[HBO]] once again bring the world of The Ricky Gervais Show to life through the medium of animation! Also covered in the episode is [[Fame_Souvenir_Program_Podcast#4._Happyslapped_By_A_Jellyfish_.280:24:43.29|Karl's trip to Madeira]], also from the Fame show.
Season 2 of The Ricky Gervais Show begins 14th January at 9PM on HBO
<div> Of course, for further discussion on The Ricky Gervais Show and all things Ricky, Steve &amp; Karl,  you can check out [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ our forum]!</div>
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'''Leave the Globe Trekking to Karl, Gervais is Globe Hosting!''' <br><small>6th January 2011</small><br>
Next weekend Ricky will reprise his role as Golden Globe host for the second and reportedly final time. Last year's performance [http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/filmblog/2010/jan/18/ricky-gervais-golden-globes "split the critics"] but drew in sizable viewing figures. Ricky said in [http://theenvelope.latimes.com/news/la-en-ricky-gervais-20110106,0,7403106.story an interview to the LA Times], ''"I didn’t want to be totally safe and anodyne and boring, so I pushed it a bit. I think I could go a little bit further. Comedy comes from a good or a bad place, and I think with all the things I’ve said, I think people know that it’s done with good intention, it’s done with a twinkle in my eye and a smirk."''
<div> The awards ceremony will air live 16th January at 8ET/5PT on NBC. </div>
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'''Steve welcomes in 2011 with a new website!''' <br><small>30th December 2010</small><br>
Since the old website became unusably outdated, Steve sprung for an upgrade and now has a wonderfully content filled site at [http://www.stephenmerchant.com/ stephenmerchant.com]. Though there is no absolute confirmation, the articles about his work seem to be written entirely by Steve, including an [http://www.stephenmerchant.com/faq/ in depth FAQ] about how to make it in the comedy world. Perhaps most exciting for Steve fans is the inclusion of a [http://www.stephenmerchant.com/news/ news feed], which will hopefully make the now impossible task of finding Steve's live gigs a little bit easier.
Finally, to discuss the changes and share in the excitement, check out our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10815 forum]!
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'''Karl Cracks Christmas''' <br><small>17th December 2010</small><br>
Christmas is famously the bane of Karl's existence. Since his days on Xfm, he's shown his spite for the season by [[04 January 2003|getting his girlfriend a packet of 100 condoms]] and generally decrying the "forced fun" he's had to endure. But has Karl changed since he's gone abroad? Does he have a better appreciation of holidays? In this [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih360TF60Vc new video podcast,] Karl chats with Ricky about his knowledge of the nativity and the true meaning of Christmas.
To subscribe to the podcasts through iTunes [http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-ricky-gervais-podcast/id135789411 click here,] and for discussion and updates [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=26 visit our forum.]
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'''Series Two Toons''' <br><small>16th December 2010</small><br>
The second animated series of [[The_Ricky_Gervais_Show_(HBO)|The Ricky Gervais Show]] premiers 14th January at 9 pm on HBO. [http://www.dtvusaforum.com/content/477-ricky-gervais-host-golden-globes-last-time-so-he-says.html According to Ricky,] ''"We’ve taken a lot more liberties with the direction of the piece. It really adds to the audio now...the first episode will straightaway show you the difference with the ambition of the animation let alone the things we’ve chosen. And we’ve gone everywhere with all the stuff we’ve ever done. The first one we sort of did it in order of the first season. Now we have just picked best chunks and woven it in and it’s great."''
For more info and discussion on the new series check out [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10872 our forum.]
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'''Ho Ho HBO!''' <br><small>14th December 2010</small><br>
Christmas is coming a week early for Ricky's American fans, as this Saturday, [[HBO]] will be airing Ricky's second American stand up special [[Ricky_Gervais#Stand_Up|"Ricky Gervais: Out of England 2"]]! Fans can expect a hilarious night of comedy as Ricky turns his attention to a multitude of topics, including his encounters with the dreaded "Fatties" and their effect on Africa. Many Pilkipedians will already be well acquainted with the network, as HBO also brought [[Extras]] and [[The_Ricky_Gervais_Show_(HBO)|The Ricky Gervais Show]] (the animated version of the podcasts) to screens all across the USA.<br><br> The show airs this Saturday, December 18th, at 10pm ET / 9pm CT on HBO.<br><br>For further information and discussion on "Ricky Gervais: Out of England 2",  you can check out [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10795 our wonderful forum]!
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'''An Idiot Abroad to air in the US in the new year!''' <br><small>13th December 2010</small><br>
[http://science.discovery.com/ Science Channel], owned by Discovery, has bought broadcast rights to [[An Idiot Abroad]] with a tentative air date of 21st January. General manager Debbie Meyers explained, ''"Ricky has a science background, and when he approaches something with humor, he also makes you think. He's a perfect fit for our network."'' However, as a family-friendly educational channel, some cuts and changes to the programme will have to be made. According to [http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118028805?refCatId=14 Variety], ''"To make the show fit a bit better inside the Science brand, the channel plans to add humorous pop-ups that will provide more information about the locations and attractions that Pilkington visits."''
To discuss the potential changes and find out further developments, visit the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10114 forum thread for An Idiot Abroad.]
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'''Pilki FM has returned!''' <br><small>26th November 2010</small><br>
This day will go down in history as the day convenient entertainment returned to our lives! '''Pilkipedia's own radio station [http://www.pilkifm.co.uk Pilki FM]''', streaming the [[Xfm Shows|Xfm radio shows]] '''24 hours a day, 7 days a week''', is available for listening on any internet-able PC, phone or other portable device. All around the world, fans of Karl, Steve and Ricky use [http://www.pilkifm.co.uk Pilki FM] at school, university and work as an essential tool in the continuing fight against boredom.<br><br>Do you have long commutes around the city? Do you have some serious procrastinating to do? Do you need some guaranteed hilarity, fast? [http://www.pilkifm.co.uk Visit the Pilki FM website] and follow the instructions to listen '''right now'''!
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'''Competition Time!''' <br><small>20th November 2010</small><br>
'''Here a twaa, there a twaaaaaaa...''' <br><small>February 3rd 2013</small><br>
Celebrating the recent release of [[An Idiot Abroad]] on DVD, we have two copies to give away courtesy of [http://www.bigmouthmedia.com/ bigmouthmedia]. Email your answer for the following question to [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]]<br>''''In Egypt, which restaurant did Karl enter, unaware that it was catering specifically for the deaf?''''<br>'''a.''' Pizza Hut<br>'''b.''' KFC<br>'''c.''' McDonalds<br>Look forward to our forthcoming review of the DVD, and be sure to read our review of the accompanying book [[An Idiot Abroad Review|here]].<div style="font-size:70%">Competition is available '''for UK residents only'''. Closing date is '''15th December 2010'''. Two winners will be drawn at random from all of the correct answers. Each winner will receive one copy of An Idiot Abroad on DVD.</div>

Karl Pilkington fans around the globe have had much to celebrate this week. In the Americas, the third episode of [[Portal:An_Idiot_Abroad|An Idiot Abroad 3]] has aired on The Science Channel. In this episode, The Squozen One and his enthusiastic 3'6" cohort [[Portal:Warwick_Davis|Warwick Davis]] travel to new heights in the Far East as they complete their journey together.

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Meanwhile, this Wednesday, the second episode of [[Portal:Derek_Noakes|Derek]] airs on Channel Four. While the show itself is receiving mixed reviews in the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum], the general consensus is that Karl's performance shines.
'''New Podcast!''' <br><small>29th October 2010</small><br>
In a shining example of the best news we can deliver here at Pilkipedia, we are excited to inform you that there is a brand new podcast featuring Karl, Steve and Ricky now available for download. Available now on iTunes, this one-off show features a run-through of a regular day in the life of Karl. Fans of their podcast work will know to expect plenty of insanity, insects and the odd splash of useful information. [http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-ricky-gervais-podcast/id135789411 Visit this link to subscribe on iTunes]; for other download links and a discussion of the show, [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10716 visit our forum topic.]

''Would you like to discuss these shows and other topics? Log in to our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum]!''

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'''Weird (crush) innit?''' <br><small>15th October 2010</small><br>
'''Derek promising, Pilkington perfect''' <br><small>January 31st 2013</small><br>
Heat magazine are running their annual '''''Weird Crush''''' competition, to find the public's most unlikely lust object. You may remember ladies' man Steve Merchant finishing as a runner-up in 2007. This year however none other than the adorable Karl Pilkington has been nominated. We urge you to vote for the K-Man on the [http://www.heatworld.com/Fun-Stuff/2010/10/Weird-Crush-2010-the-shortlist/ Heat website] and chat about it on the forum [http://pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&amp;t=10693 here.]

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''Review by Jack “mars bah bah bah” Scrine'' -  
'''An Idiot Abroad''' <br><small>29th September 2010</small><br>
The first episode of An Idiot Abroad has gone out and judging by the forums many have you have already purchased the Travel Diaries. If you have why not vote in our poll below and give us your thoughts on the book and first episode on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=26 boards]. <br>
<br>You can also read our exclusive review of the book [[An Idiot Abroad Review|here]].

The opening paragraph of this review is being penned on Jan. 29; about 24 hours before the airing of Ricky Gervais’s latest project Derek, the story of a dim (but not mentally challenged, have no fear) and loveable man played by Gervais, with permanently clenched teeth, a dopey look on his face, and a heart of gold. He works at a nursing home alongside a cast of boring yet noble, lovable yet humble characters. I, like many, am nervous for this series. Life’s Too Short, despite what Gervais will say otherwise, was his weakest ever work. Initial reviews are panning Derek as even worse.

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There is hope, because the Derek pilot was great. As far as I was concerned, it subtly navigated that path between bland tragedy and comedy that first got Gervais to make me spill tears and laugh in the same breath. And I did again at the end of Derek’s pilot episode. Derek’s fall into the nursing home pond caused a belly laugh; and was a throwback to a story Gervais once told about his dear old mum falling into a pond full of leeches many years ago. It was the kind of moment that rewarded long-term fans of the man and his stories.
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'''Shrunkey News''' <br><small>18th September 2010</small><br>
Ricky and Steve have confirmed their next television project will be a sitcom starring the world's leading dwarf actor Warwick Davis. The show sees the pair returning to their roots with a six part series on BBC2 going out next year. Ricky described the show as ''"another naturalist observational comedy, dealing with everyday problems, human foibles and social faux pas... but with a dwarf." (Source:[http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118024311.html?categoryid=19&amp;cs=1#ixzz0zpmaA3MG Variety])

[[Derek Promising, Pilkington Perfect|Read More...]]

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'''When Harry met Ricky''' <br><small>15th September 2010</small><br>
'''There's Something About Derek''' <br><small>January 29th 2013</small><br>
According to a recent entry on [http://www.rickygervais.com/thissideofthetruth.php Ricky's blog], his continuing meteoric rise towards becoming Emperor of the World has earned him yet more friends in very high places. After a gig in Hammersmith, London, '''Prince Harry''' of the UK asked for a signature for his gran, more commonly known as '''Queen Elizabeth II'''. In true regal style, Gervais offered a remarkable gift for the woman who has everything: a signed beer mat. Be sure to sign up to our forums to discuss [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=5157&amp;start=6930 Ricky's blog entries.]
The series premiere of Derek, the Channel Four show based on the character of [[Portal:_Derek_Noakes|Derek Noakes]] created by Ricky Gervais back in 2001, will air on Channel Four this Wednesday at 10pm.

Karl Pilkington will co-star throughout the series.
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'''The Steve Show on W963 Student Radio''' <br><small>12th September 2010</small><br>
A forum member known only as "LostTapes" has uncovered radio gold in the form of Steve Merchant's student project '''The Steve Show''', originally broadcast from 1995-6, Mondays 4-5pm on W963 at Warwick University. Compilations of highlights from the show are in the process of being converted from cassette, so be sure to check in at [http://steveshow.wordpress.com/ The Steve Show W963 website] to download them as they arrive. Currently two parts of the first year are available [http://steveshow.wordpress.com/2010/08/30/year-one-compilation-part-1/ here] and [http://steveshow.wordpress.com/2010/08/30/year-one-compilation-part-2/ here].
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'''New Poll: Slim Rick''' <br><small>10th September 2010</small><br>
He may not have been on a 'Hollywood diet', but Ricky is certainly looking slimmer these days; is a little slim man with a pug-nosed face still funny? Let us know what you think in our new poll, further down the page.
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'''Stephen Merchant: "A sort of clumsy nerd''' <br><small>9th September 2010</small><br>
Our friends at [http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/ Digital Spy] and [http://www.shortlist.com/ Shortlist Magazine] have alerted us to two fantastic interviews given to them by undisputed world's-most-lovable giant Steve Merchant. [http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/movies/interviews/a259816/stephen-merchant.html Digital Spy's can be read here], featuring an insight into Steve's analysis of [[Cemetery Junction]]. On pages 38 and 39 of [http://magazine.shortlist.com/1B4c8742ac13940012.cde this week's Shortlist Magazine], read about his stand-up, curious future projects, and crack addiction.

The pilot of the series, which aired in April of last year, was generally enjoyed by the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum], but initial critical reviews of the series itself have been negative. Gervais has pointed out that [[Portal:The_Office|The Office]] received "bad press" in its early days. Judge for yourself and let us know what your thoughts are on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].

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'''An Idiot Anytime''' <br><small>7th September 2010</small><br>
'''Game of Moans''' <br><small>January 22nd 2013</small><br>
Those of you with Sky who missed the fantastic preview episode of [[An Idiot Abroad]] will be pleased to hear the show is available until '''Friday 10th September''' on Sky Anytime. Those of you ''without'' Sky, we encourage you to keep up to date with [http://www.rickygervais.com/thissideofthetruth.php Ricky's blog] for the latest information on the forthcoming series. Don't forget to share your thoughts on the show in our forum thread [http://pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10114&amp;start=315 here.]
Sky1 have announced that Karl Pilkington will star in a new travel show, '''The Moaning of Life'''.

The five-part series, slated to air in autumn 2013, will take Karl all around the world as he encounters different cultures and examines how they handle "life's big issues", while he faces his own mortality and future.

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Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant will be not involved in this project.
'''A Genius Abroad''' <br><small>5th September 2010</small><br>
'''TODAY''' sees the broadcast of the preview episode of An Idiot Abroad on Sky1. Unfortunately the show will not be available here, but we have heard from Sky that the show will be available in the US and on DVD in the near future. You can keep up to date with all the news and talk about the show in the official Pilkipedia forum thread [http://pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10114&amp;start=315 here.]

Get all the latest information in the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].

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'''Ricky and Bucky Gunts at the Emmys''' <br><small>30th August 2010</small><br>
'''An Idiot Abroad Abroad''' <br><small>January 16th 2013</small><br>
Ricky presented a pair of Emmys at the 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Directing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Series and Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series. Watch his appearance [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ygqtObuSSE here] and discuss it on the forum [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10555 here].
The American broadcast premiere of '''An Idiot Abroad 3: The Short Way Round''' is 9pm Eastern time on Saturday, January 19.

The three-part series features Karl Pilkington and 3'6" travel partner Warwick Davis loosely following Marco Polo's from Italy to China. The pairing of Pilkington and Davis highlights the difference in perspective between the two, and increases the emotional contrast as they struggle through the various challenges of the journey.

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Also Karl dances.
'''Ricky and Steve on Alan Carr oooooh! Naughty! Gay jokes, etc.''' <br><small>16th August 2010</small><br>
Ricky and Steve appeared on Alan Carr's Chatty Man (which sounds like batty man, a gay epithet, that's the joke) to promote the DVD release of Cemetery Junction and tell some amusing anecdotes about themselves. You can find the official video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZmb_wvnuf8 here], unofficial video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZL9FcqpX_0 here] and be a chatty man yourself on the forum [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&amp;t=10509&amp;start=0 here]

Let us know what you think on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].

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'''An Idiot Abounds''' <br><small>25th July 2010</small><br>
'''Advertise with Pilkipedia''' <br><small>December 6th 2012</small><br>
A new trailer for [[An Idiot Abroad]] has surfaced, you can see it here on the [http://www.skymedia.co.uk/Advertising/TV/Sponsorship-Opps/an-idiot-abroad.aspx Sky website], it features some dynamite clips of Karl that has buzzed the entire forum about the show (coming in September). Join in the discussion [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10417 here] and let us know how excited you are about the show.
Pilkipedia is now offering a premium advertising package to companies, websites and private services interested in having their banner seen by our ever-increasing audience.

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Up until recently, we were funded by an advertising system provided by Google, called Adsense, which ran banners along the left-hand side of our main page, and along the bottom of our message boards. A few months ago these were taken away from us without warning, leaving us reliant on donations from generous regulars to keep us afloat. As such, we have decided to reuse the exact same space previously given to Google Adsense, for public advertising, so that we may continue to grow as the biggest Karl Pilkington fansite in the world. Please rest assured that all money received will be put back into maintaining and expanding the website.
'''The Ricky Gervais Show nominated for an Emmy''' <br><small>9th July 2010</small><br>
Ricky, Steve and Karl have received their first award nomination for the animated series [[The Ricky Gervais Show (HBO)|The Ricky Gervais Show]], in the 'Outstanding Animated Program' category of the 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards. Despite competing with goliaths of their field, The Simpsons and South Park, we have high hopes that this will be the year of dome-headed buffoonery.

For more information, and for how to apply to advertise with us, [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Advertising please follow this link to our advertising page.]

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'''Ricky's Birthday Announcement''' <br><small>25th June 2010</small><br>
'''An Idiot Abroad 3: Round 1''' <br><small>December 2nd 2012</small><br>
On the 49th anniversary of his birth, [[Ricky Gervais]] has informed us that the forthcoming Sky1 show featuring Karl's international escapades has been officially renamed to '''[[An Idiot Abroad]]''', much to Karl's disappointment. He tells us to look forward to the seventh episode, in which Karl is first informed of the new title. We'd also like to extend birthday wishes to Ricky, and take the opportunity to thank him for all he's done for comedy over the past 12 years.
The much anticipated first installment of the three-part "An Idiot Abroad: The Short Way Round" featuring [[Karl Pilkington]] and [[Warwick Davis]] has aired on Sky.  

The show chronicles Pilkington and Davis loosely following Marco Polo's from Italy to China. Fans of the Xfm programme will recognize one particular stunt, and enjoy the interplay between the K-man, Warwick, and puppetmaster Gervais.

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Have you watched the show? Let us know what you thought on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].  
'''Karl Idol 2010 has begun!''' <br><small>22nd June 2010</small><br>
Pilkipedia member CD1212 has begun the second season of '''Karl Idol''', a competition to find the best Karl compilation out there. Forum members were given 2 weeks to create a Youtube video of their favourite [[RSK]] moments; the best have been compiled and presented to the public for voting! [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=22&amp;t=10095 Find more info here], or visit the [http://karlidol.pilkipedia.co.uk Karl Idol website to cast your vote!]


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'''The Ricky Gervais Guide To... The World Cup: Out now!''' <br><small>11th June 2010</small><br>
'''HBOggmonster''' <br><small>November 5th 2012</small><br>
The recently announced bonus podcast '''The Ricky Gervais Guide To... The World Cup''' has just been released! Enjoy 45 minutes of Ricky, Steve and Karl very loosely discussing the international sporting event, free of charge. It's currently available via the [http://podcast.rickygervais.com/podcast_new.xml podcast feed], directly from [http://podcast.rickygervais.com/final_guidetoworldcup.mp3 this link] (right click and save as; may be slow), or [http://rapidshare.com/files/397997558/The_Ricky_Gervais_Guide_To_The_World.mp3.html from Rapidshare].
US television network '''HBO''' has ordered 8 episodes of [[Stephen Merchant]]'s new comedy ''Hello Ladies''.  

The new show, based on Steve's 2011 standup tour of  the same name, will feature Merchant's character trying to pick up ladies in Los Angeles.  Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky will serve as executive producers for the show, best known for their work on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/wiki/index.php?title=The_Office_(US_Series) US version of The Office].

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With both Ricky's and Steve's solo efforts forthcoming, which show are you more excited about? Let us know on our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].
'''Karl's Seven Wonders: Coming Soon''' <br><small>3rd June 2010</small><br>
Karl's Seven Wonders of the World show will debut on Sky1 in August and run for eight episodes. It also appears there will be a [http://www.amazon.co.uk/Karl-Pilkingtons-Seven-Wonders-World/dp/1847679269 spin-off book] based on the series released in September. You can discuss the upcoming show on the forum [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10114 here.]


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'''Pilkipedia Design-A-Logo Competition: VOTE NOW!''' <br><small>19th May 2010</small><br>
'''A shortage of Karl''' <br><small>October 23rd 2012</small><br>
Voting has begun as our search for a new logo with which to brand the website reaches its most critical stage. Take some time to peruse the entries, get a feel for which one best suits our website, then cast your vote! All the entries are black and white '''for the purposes of voting only''', as the colours of the chosen design will be changed to suit various needs. [http://polldaddy.com/poll/3212763/ '''Vote now!''']
It won't be long before late November, the listed date for Sky1 to debut "An Idiot Abroad 3: The Short Way Round" featuring our friend [[Portal:_Karl_Pilkington|Karl Pilkington]] and diminutive travel companion [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Warwick_Davis Warwick Davis]. Sky1 have posted '''two''' promotional clips, which can be viewed in the forum [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11736&start=45#p492687 here] and [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11736&start=60#p492912 here]. If you thought Karl's dancing in Egypt was good, wait until you see his "Manc Jackson" under Warwick's direction!

Feel free to share your thoughts on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].
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'''Pilkipedia TV''' <br><small>15th May 2010</small><br>
The Pilkipedia YouTube channel which had accumulated 1.9 million views and over 3000 subscribers since 2007 is unfortunately being closed down due to a copyright claim on a 2006 video podcast. We would like to thank everyone who used the old channel and invite you to subscribe to our BRAND NEW official YouTube channel, [http://www.youtube.com/pilkipediaTV PilkipediaTV] where you can see many of the old videos and plenty of new ones in the future.


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'''Meet the FilmmakeRS''' <br><small>11th May 2010</small><br>
'''Ricky chats up New York''' <br><small>October 16th 2012</small><br>
Ricky and Steve appeared at The Apple Store in London's Regent Street a few months back to promote Cemetery Junction. The audio and some video of that event is now available on [http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/meet-filmmakers-ricky-gervais/id368062031 iTunes]. You can also download the [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mmtznxyzmtd audio here] and [http://www.mediafire.com/?tgmrztyw2mf video here]. Discuss it with us [http://pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&amp;t=10157 here] on the forum.
Ricky Gervais will be appearing in the appropriately-titled "A Conversation With Ricky Gervais" at the New York Comedy Festival on Wednesday, November 7, hosted by Comedy Central. Jon Hodgman of The Daily Show (and "PC" in the Apple Mac commercials) will be conducting the interview. The show begins at 8pm Eastern time. For additional information or to purchase tickets, click [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ here.]

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Planning on attending? Let us know your thoughts on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].
'''Karl talks TV''' <br><small>8th May 2010</small><br>
In one of the funniest TV trails we've seen in a very long time, Karl has taken to passing judgement on his weekly prime-time competition, including his thoughts on ABC's ''Lost'' and Sky 1's original ''Got To Dance'', as well as showing us a clip from his own show. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZLj22nnWSs Watch the video here], and join in the discussion on [http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pilkipedia/118180477722 our Facebook page] and [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&amp;t=10114 our forums].


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'''The Boards They Are a Changin'''' <br><small>6th May 2010</small><br>
'''It's a signage! Karl's ongoing book-signing tour''' <br><small>October 4th 2012</small><br>
The [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum Pilkipedia Forum] has undergone a redesign with a greater range of boards and topics. If you've never been on the forum or any forum at all, we have also created The Watercooler board where you can get to know the forum members and introduce yourself to the Pilki community.  
Karl's second tour date is October 6th, where he'll be at the Trafford Center, Trafford Park, Manchester, in his little 70s caravan signing his brand new book, The Further Adventures of An Idiot Abroad.

This time, however, a wristband is needed to enter; this can be received with a purchase of the book from WH Smith at Selfridges in the Trafford Center, from October 1st. For more information, visit the book tour's [http://www.canongate.tv/authors/karlpilkington?channel=true official website.]
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'''RGoD''' <br><small>25th April 2010</small><br>
Channel 4's two-part premiere of the HBO animated series [[The_Ricky_Gervais_Show_(HBO)|The Ricky Gervais Show]] is now available for watching on 4oD (only in the UK). [http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-ricky-gervais-show/4od Click here to go to the episode page.] The next instalment of cartoon hilarity will air on Friday 30th April, covering such classic podcast conversations as the infamous 'knob at night' story. You've just gotta be tuning in next week for that.

Once again we'd love to see your pictures and hear your stories.

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Have you bought '''''The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad''''' yet? Let us know what you think on our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].  
'''Pod Save The Queen''' <br><small>23rd April 2010</small><br>
Happy St George's Day! To celebrate the day of England's patron saint, Ricky, Steve and Karl have got together with The Guardian to give away a free download of [[The Ricky Gervais Guide To... The English]]. You can find it here [http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/audio/2010/apr/23/ricky-gervais-podcast on the Guardian website] (There's unreleased material towards the end.)


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'''Dave reviews Cemetery Junction''' <br><small>14th April 2010</small><br>
'''When Pilkington Met Palin''' <br><small>September 23rd 2012</small><br>
Our Karl-loving cohorts at the UK's home of witty banter [http://www.joindave.co.uk Dave] have served up a glowing review of Cemetery Junction to whet our appetites for Gervais and Merchant's soon-to-be-released first venture into filmmaking. [http://uktv.co.uk/dave/article/aid/635373 Read the article here!]
Our friends over at '''Shortlist''' have released the first part of an exclusive one-on-one chat featuring
one of the most prolific, experienced travel writers of all time...and Michael Palin. In this three minute video, the two travelers discuss the importance of sampling the local cuisine. Karl has made his thoughts on this subject very clear, stating, ''"as nice as that looks, it's still a squid bollock"''. Check out the full video [http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/video-when-pilkington-met-palin-part-1 here].

Have you bought '''''The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad''''' yet? Let us know what you think on our [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/ forum].  
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'''Cemetery Junction''' <br><small>12th April 2010</small><br>
Ricky and Steve are doing a live chat TODAY at 5pm GMT (noon EST) you can watch it on [http://www.myspace.com/cemeteryjunctionuk MySpace], [http://www.facebook.com/CemeteryJunctionUK?ref=nf Facebook] or [http://www.ustream.tv/myspaceuk Ustream]. [[Cemetery Junction]] opens in the UK and Ireland this Wednesday (14th April). Give us your reviews of the film on the [http://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 forum].


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'''ClassiX''' <br><small>8th April 2010</small><br>
'''An Idiot... in a caravan?! Karl's book-signing tour!''' <br><small>September 20th 2012</small><br>
Introducing our new series of videos featuring classic Ricky, Steve and Karl clips which you can find on the [http://www.youtube.com/pilkipedia Pilkipedia YouTube channel]. We will be adding new clips all the time and you can follow them through [http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F41C26E1BBDE1664 this playlist] to enjoy some classic RSK moments.
This one's for Pilkington fans across the UK. Karl will soon be taking to the streets of Britain on his most challenging aventure yet: meeting and greeting his army of fans. We here at Pilkipedia are very much aware of the enormous support he's received from his viewers and listeners around the world; now is your chance to see that perfectly round head in person. In anticipation for the release of his new book, The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad. Karl will be going back to his roots, shacking up in a vintage '70s caravan to hold signings up and down the UK. It all kicks off this weekend, Saturday 22nd September from 1-5pm, at the ASDA Superstore, Watford, with further dates planned in Manchester and more to come later. For more information, visit the tour's [http://www.canongate.tv/authors/karlpilkington?channel=true official website.]

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Be sure to stay tuned to Pilkipedia for more information on future tour dates, as well as some exciting news regarding The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad.
'''Cemetery Junket''' <br><small>8th April 2010</small><br>
Ricky and Steve are currently doing the rounds promoting Cemetery Junction, you can find all the downloads, videos and links right here on Pilkipedia. [http://www.mediafire.com/?id5g3gymmmv Steve on The Danny Baker Radio show], [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mtkzyo2lhnc Ricky on Dave Berry's Xfm show] &amp; [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mrmdiw5rmnj Steve on Richard Bacon's radio show].


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'''Extra Extras''' <br><small>5th April 2010</small><br>
'''Dysgu Saesneg gyda Ricky Gervais!''' <br><small>August 13th 2012</small><br>
BBC2 are dedicating a whole evening to Series One of Extras from 9pm tonight, featuring brand new interviews with the cast and celebrity fans, check out some extra Extras extras [http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/extra/show/b00s0zx9 here] on the BBC website.
Ricky has released the first episode of the new "Learn English with Ricky Gervais" video podcast, the first edition is subtitled in Welsh and can be downloaded on iTunes.
The lads are back to help all those Welsh people out there who struggle to ask for milky tea or buy kippers, when visiting England.  

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'''Pilkipedia's 4th Birthday''' <br><small>2nd April 2010</small><br>
Pilkipedia.co.uk and its forum began life on the 1st April 2006 and since then has had nearly 2.5 million hits, thank you all for making the site the success it is and we hope it keeps you coming back for many years to come.

Latest revision as of 07:44, 18 August 2013

A right load of tweets
1st July 2013

Pilkipedia's social media has been kicking into high gear as of late. Click on the icons on the left to "like" our Facebook page, or to follow us on Twitter as we expand our efforts to spread The Gospel of Karl to the furthest reaches of the little roundy globe. And, of course, there's always the PilkipediaTV channel on YouTube!

Steve Merchant teases
10th June 2013

Steve Merchant and HBO have teamed up to turn the goggle-eyed funnyman's "Hello Ladies" stand-up tour into a sitcom. The show will follow the exploits of Stuart, a man looking for love or the temporary biological equivalent. It is scheduled to air in September, and last night HBO released the first "teaser" for the program, in which he and mate Wade attempt to chat up women in a bar.

You can watch the trailer and tell us what you thought on the forum.

Welcome to the world, kid...this is Karl Pilkington
1st June 2013

Well-traveled Karl Pilkington will be continuing his adventures in Sky1's "The Moaning Of Life", slated to air in the fall of this year. According to early press releases, the five-part series "will take Karl all around the world as he encounters different cultures and examines how they handle 'life's big issues', while he faces his own mortality and future."

Apparently he's already faced one of the biggest issues, having helped deliver a baby in Indonesia.

Yes. Karl helped deliver a baby.

Excited? Delighted? Disgusted? Share your thoughts on the forum.

Be Round...Rewound
1st May 2013

It's time for our once-every-few-year Pilkipedia Rewind. Forum members started with the pre-Karl Pilkington Xfm shows and are currently giving a listen to the weekly shows that started it all. We'll be taking several months to listen to the catalog of radio programmes, podcasts, and audiobooks. Join us in the forum to join in on the fun! (Please note: we do not provide links to copyrighted programming.)

Biddily Biddily Biddily Bong
18th March 2013

Our thoughts: "Absolutely outstanding. The best thing he's done in YEARS. Loved every single thing about it." "Absolutely hilarious from beginning to end." "That was great! I won't be able to get Equality Street out of my head for a while, but I'm okay with that strangely." "I enjoyed this a lot. "Rum & coke? Red Stripe? Lilt?" - that was masterful."

The return of Brent was a massive hit with us, but what did you think?

Let us know your thoughts via the Forum, Twitter or Facebook!

Derek: Series Review
7th March 2013
"The Office and Extras are truly my favourite live-action TV comedies. So when Life's Too Short came around I was very much anticipating the show, and in the end I found it to be silly, stupid, and forgettable. I did enjoy catching each episode, once I got used to what the show was, but in no way have I ever wanted to revisit the series. Nor can I even name my favourite recurring character. I pretty much disliked them all.

So coming off of Life's Too Short, I realized that Steve and Ricky were capable of highs, but they were also very much capable of lows. Then came the announcement of Derek. Given the disappointment that was Life's Too Short, and the fact that Derek was a solo Ricky project, my expectations were lowered and I hoped for the best but wasn't expecting anything that matched Office or Extras. All I knew of Derek was the old short film, which was always a favourite of mine..."

Continued here: Derek Series Review

Wiki Gervais
7th March 2013

As you may well know, the hub of Pilkipedia.co.uk has always been our extensive wiki covering every aspect of Ricky, Steve and Karl's work. As well as episode pages for each and every Xfm show and podcast we also have pages on The Office, Extras, Life's Too Short, Derek and much much more. We have recently held a "Wiki Week" designed to ensure we stay as up to date as possible and are always on the look out for volunteers wanting to expand the world's knowledge of RSK. If you would like to do you bit, check out the Wiki thread on the forum for more details.

David Brent Rises
February 28th 2013

Ricky has today announced via a YouTube video the return of his most iconic character, everyone's least favourite boss David Brent. The return is part of the upcoming Comic Relief extravaganza and you can check out the preview here. Although Brent briefly appeared in the American office as part of Michael Scott's farewell episodes, this is the first time since the 2003 Christmas specials that we've seen The Brentmeister General in action. Are you excited to find out what Brent's been up to in the intervening years? Share your thoughts with us on the forum.

Derek: A Review of Half an Episode
February 27th 2013

"As a self-professed RSK mega-fan since early 2007, I, like others, anticipated greatly the debut of Derek on Channel 4. After the promising pilot aired early last year, followed by a more than fair opening to this season’s run, things looked bright for the series, and more importantly, for everyone’s favourite (former) chubby funster, Ricky Gervais himself, after the critical disaster that was Warwick Davis vehicle “Life’s Too Short”. Was the ill-fated dwarf-umentary merely a blip in an otherwise strong creative resumé, or had Gervais’ creative powers started to wane, revealing him as a one-trick pony unable to escape the comfort zone he repeatedly returned to?"

Continued here: Derek: A Review of Half an Episode

Derek: Episode 4
February 21st 2013

"The first eight minutes of Derek are a pleasant mixture of occasionally funny yet somewhat random sketches. At which point the baddie-of-the-week turns up to let us know that Hannah is wonderful and selfless and other people are cartoonish villains who feel the need to say any tactless comment that comes to mind, despite being in the company of complete strangers and a documentary crew..."

Continued here: Derek: Episode 4

Froggy says donate!
February 19th 2013

Self-proclaimed Derek fanatic and new Pilkipedia forum member, Tadpole Hitler, recently brought to our attention a charity project he has set up to help "Friends of the Elderly."

Tadpole Hitler's fan site, TadpoleHitler.com, has achieved some overnight success and won favour with the man himself, Gervais, for its efforts to promote the new comedy. The website now features an exclusive interview with our own favourite bald Manc, as well as other members of the cast and crew of Derek, and we hear there is yet more to come.

But rather than "rest on his laurels," Tadpole Hitler is using the site's traffic and popularity to raise awareness for the charities that support struggling elderly citizens, and we say "bravo".

Third time's the charm - A review
February 14th 2013

by Jake (Jenson's Beard) Fleming @JensonsBeard

After an average first episode, and a very messy second one, it seems like Derek has finally found its stride with a much funnier, sweeter episode than the previous two.

Though this week's edition began with another lame scene involving Kev, it quickly picked up with some amusing moments involving Derek and a far more believable story arc featuring Marge. Though there was a degree of sentimentality in this episode, it didn't feel anywhere near as forced as the rather bizarre ending to the second episode.

One of the gripes regarding the first two episodes was that Derek hadn't really been a part of the show much, either in the plot or in any of the comical scenes. However, there were three big scenes in the episode that allowed the titular character to enjoy a few legitimately funny moments, including an example of Derek's rather sweet naivety when he calls an ambulance to save a baby bird. While Derek's scenes didn't have me belly-laughing, they were a vast improvement on the awkward attempts at slapstick seen in the pilot, which was probably the last time we really saw Derek involved in a comedy scene.

The episode is held together by the story involving Marge, one of the elderly residents. Her daughter comes to visit... Read More

Dashing Hope? The Derek Story - A review
February 8th 2013

by Barry Murphy @BarryLadTweets

I wanted to like this show, I really, really did. I thought the pilot was a fabulous effort, and was genuinely touching. As it turns out, that probably should have just been a stand-alone short film of sorts.

This was just bad. On a few levels.

Several of my main gripes have been mentioned in the Derek forum, but the show in general is just not as clever as it thinks it is. It's a mess of try-hard sentiment and mixed messages. In one episode it wants to play the "it doesn't matter if I'm autistic/different card" and in the next it goes to "why did you give him (this 50 YEAR OLD man) alcohol?!". This sequence effectively treated Derek like he was a 16 year old autistic, and Hannah was his mum. Similarly, it wants to preach about Derek: how "kindness is magic" and "it doesn't matter if I'm autistic", but much of this episode's humour was derived from mocking doddery old farts for being thick and senile. Then, to pile on the insults, the closing credit sequence was a weird montage of the residents in their youth; the latest "oh aren't we really deep" sentiment this show has tried to force on the audience with all the subtlety of a brick up the urethra. Leaving aside the hypocrisy of those credits - because you could argue that making fun of them earlier was just a way of contrasting what they are with what they were - why was this even in the show? It really wasn't a focal point of the episode at all, so more than anything else I found myself asking "wait... what? Why?"

Read More

Pilkipedia presents: the LoudySpeak Podcast Network
February 5th 2013

One exciting aspect of Pilkipedia is the creation of LoudySpeak, a network of audio and video podcasts largely designed by - but not just for - Pilkipedians. This week, content providers have stepped up to provide lots of original material...all for free!

You can listen to audio podcasts of the wrestling standby ChairShot Podcast, forum favorite KABBB, political talk with The Logicast, and two separate-but-equal film review programs: MovieGuff and Jeff and Tom watch films.

Video content includes the stellar video game program B, A, START, Pilkipedia's original comedy show huitlacoche, and another great film review program, it's_a_podcast.

We hope you enjoy this content! If you'd like to host your own podcast, contact this gentleman here.

Here a twaa, there a twaaaaaaa...
February 3rd 2013

Karl Pilkington fans around the globe have had much to celebrate this week. In the Americas, the third episode of An Idiot Abroad 3 has aired on The Science Channel. In this episode, The Squozen One and his enthusiastic 3'6" cohort Warwick Davis travel to new heights in the Far East as they complete their journey together.

Meanwhile, this Wednesday, the second episode of Derek airs on Channel Four. While the show itself is receiving mixed reviews in the forum, the general consensus is that Karl's performance shines.

Would you like to discuss these shows and other topics? Log in to our forum!

Derek promising, Pilkington perfect
January 31st 2013

Review by Jack “mars bah bah bah” Scrine - @mangrovejackson

The opening paragraph of this review is being penned on Jan. 29; about 24 hours before the airing of Ricky Gervais’s latest project Derek, the story of a dim (but not mentally challenged, have no fear) and loveable man played by Gervais, with permanently clenched teeth, a dopey look on his face, and a heart of gold. He works at a nursing home alongside a cast of boring yet noble, lovable yet humble characters. I, like many, am nervous for this series. Life’s Too Short, despite what Gervais will say otherwise, was his weakest ever work. Initial reviews are panning Derek as even worse.

There is hope, because the Derek pilot was great. As far as I was concerned, it subtly navigated that path between bland tragedy and comedy that first got Gervais to make me spill tears and laugh in the same breath. And I did again at the end of Derek’s pilot episode. Derek’s fall into the nursing home pond caused a belly laugh; and was a throwback to a story Gervais once told about his dear old mum falling into a pond full of leeches many years ago. It was the kind of moment that rewarded long-term fans of the man and his stories.


There's Something About Derek
January 29th 2013
The series premiere of Derek, the Channel Four show based on the character of Derek Noakes created by Ricky Gervais back in 2001, will air on Channel Four this Wednesday at 10pm.

Karl Pilkington will co-star throughout the series.

The pilot of the series, which aired in April of last year, was generally enjoyed by the forum, but initial critical reviews of the series itself have been negative. Gervais has pointed out that The Office received "bad press" in its early days. Judge for yourself and let us know what your thoughts are on the forum.

Game of Moans
January 22nd 2013
Sky1 have announced that Karl Pilkington will star in a new travel show, The Moaning of Life.

The five-part series, slated to air in autumn 2013, will take Karl all around the world as he encounters different cultures and examines how they handle "life's big issues", while he faces his own mortality and future.

Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant will be not involved in this project.

Get all the latest information in the forum.

An Idiot Abroad Abroad
January 16th 2013
The American broadcast premiere of An Idiot Abroad 3: The Short Way Round is 9pm Eastern time on Saturday, January 19.

The three-part series features Karl Pilkington and 3'6" travel partner Warwick Davis loosely following Marco Polo's from Italy to China. The pairing of Pilkington and Davis highlights the difference in perspective between the two, and increases the emotional contrast as they struggle through the various challenges of the journey.

Also Karl dances.

Let us know what you think on the forum.

Advertise with Pilkipedia
December 6th 2012
Pilkipedia is now offering a premium advertising package to companies, websites and private services interested in having their banner seen by our ever-increasing audience.

Up until recently, we were funded by an advertising system provided by Google, called Adsense, which ran banners along the left-hand side of our main page, and along the bottom of our message boards. A few months ago these were taken away from us without warning, leaving us reliant on donations from generous regulars to keep us afloat. As such, we have decided to reuse the exact same space previously given to Google Adsense, for public advertising, so that we may continue to grow as the biggest Karl Pilkington fansite in the world. Please rest assured that all money received will be put back into maintaining and expanding the website.

For more information, and for how to apply to advertise with us, please follow this link to our advertising page.

An Idiot Abroad 3: Round 1
December 2nd 2012
The much anticipated first installment of the three-part "An Idiot Abroad: The Short Way Round" featuring Karl Pilkington and Warwick Davis has aired on Sky.

The show chronicles Pilkington and Davis loosely following Marco Polo's from Italy to China. Fans of the Xfm programme will recognize one particular stunt, and enjoy the interplay between the K-man, Warwick, and puppetmaster Gervais.

Have you watched the show? Let us know what you thought on the forum.

November 5th 2012
US television network HBO has ordered 8 episodes of Stephen Merchant's new comedy Hello Ladies.

The new show, based on Steve's 2011 standup tour of the same name, will feature Merchant's character trying to pick up ladies in Los Angeles. Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky will serve as executive producers for the show, best known for their work on the US version of The Office.

With both Ricky's and Steve's solo efforts forthcoming, which show are you more excited about? Let us know on our forum.

A shortage of Karl
October 23rd 2012
It won't be long before late November, the listed date for Sky1 to debut "An Idiot Abroad 3: The Short Way Round" featuring our friend Karl Pilkington and diminutive travel companion Warwick Davis. Sky1 have posted two promotional clips, which can be viewed in the forum here and here. If you thought Karl's dancing in Egypt was good, wait until you see his "Manc Jackson" under Warwick's direction!

Feel free to share your thoughts on the forum.

Ricky chats up New York
October 16th 2012
Ricky Gervais will be appearing in the appropriately-titled "A Conversation With Ricky Gervais" at the New York Comedy Festival on Wednesday, November 7, hosted by Comedy Central. Jon Hodgman of The Daily Show (and "PC" in the Apple Mac commercials) will be conducting the interview. The show begins at 8pm Eastern time. For additional information or to purchase tickets, click here.

Planning on attending? Let us know your thoughts on the forum.

It's a signage! Karl's ongoing book-signing tour
October 4th 2012
Karl's second tour date is October 6th, where he'll be at the Trafford Center, Trafford Park, Manchester, in his little 70s caravan signing his brand new book, The Further Adventures of An Idiot Abroad.

This time, however, a wristband is needed to enter; this can be received with a purchase of the book from WH Smith at Selfridges in the Trafford Center, from October 1st. For more information, visit the book tour's official website.

Once again we'd love to see your pictures and hear your stories.

Have you bought The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad yet? Let us know what you think on our forum.

When Pilkington Met Palin
September 23rd 2012
Our friends over at Shortlist have released the first part of an exclusive one-on-one chat featuring one of the most prolific, experienced travel writers of all time...and Michael Palin. In this three minute video, the two travelers discuss the importance of sampling the local cuisine. Karl has made his thoughts on this subject very clear, stating, "as nice as that looks, it's still a squid bollock". Check out the full video here.

Have you bought The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad yet? Let us know what you think on our forum.

An Idiot... in a caravan?! Karl's book-signing tour!
September 20th 2012
This one's for Pilkington fans across the UK. Karl will soon be taking to the streets of Britain on his most challenging aventure yet: meeting and greeting his army of fans. We here at Pilkipedia are very much aware of the enormous support he's received from his viewers and listeners around the world; now is your chance to see that perfectly round head in person. In anticipation for the release of his new book, The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad. Karl will be going back to his roots, shacking up in a vintage '70s caravan to hold signings up and down the UK. It all kicks off this weekend, Saturday 22nd September from 1-5pm, at the ASDA Superstore, Watford, with further dates planned in Manchester and more to come later. For more information, visit the tour's official website.

Be sure to stay tuned to Pilkipedia for more information on future tour dates, as well as some exciting news regarding The Further Adventures of an Idiot Abroad.

Dysgu Saesneg gyda Ricky Gervais!
August 13th 2012
Ricky has released the first episode of the new "Learn English with Ricky Gervais" video podcast, the first edition is subtitled in Welsh and can be downloaded on iTunes. The lads are back to help all those Welsh people out there who struggle to ask for milky tea or buy kippers, when visiting England.