Spaced is a comedy series produced by Jessica Stevenson, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, friends of Ricky, Steve, and Karl. Spaced is about Simon's character Tim having to pose with Jessica's character, Daisy, as a couple in order to get a flat.
Tim's best friend is Mike (Nick Frost) who is a member of different outdoor organisations e.g. The Territorial Army. Although none of them make up for not being in the 'Real army'.
Ricky Gervais made a cameo appearance in episode 5 of series 2, playing a variation of David Brent in a flashback scene, occurring before series 1. His character is too busy flirting with a colleague to note down the correct words for the newspaper advert to the apartment which Tim and Daisy moved into. Gervais' character is a minor character whose small action set into motion the whole two series, following a discussion in series 1 of Spaced, about how a minor character in Star Wars set the events of films 4,5 and 6 in motion by destroying a planet on the orders of Darth Vader.