Talk:15 November 2003/Transcript

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all right boys .... there's my first attempt, first 13 minutes. knockinabout - what do you think? i'm happy to fix it up however it needs to be. i was thinking if the other transcribers already started their formats might be different from mine, which will be a pain. probably we should've decided on a format together ahead of time (whoops). if you didn't start, maybe do it like i did? am i being bossy?  :)

Looks brilliant to me. As far as formatting goes this is fine. Like I mentioned, its ok if everyone does something different because I plan on bringing commonality to them. And yes that does me putting $/#/@ characters for names instead is alright, just as long as the character is uniquely "crtl+F-able". Bender suggested full names for better flow. I'm on the fence because most other transcripts use initials. Then again we could change all that too.--Knockinabout 22:18, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

also i felt like transcriptions need their own page so as to not overwhelm the regular episode page. but i'm open if you disagree.
Steve is King 21:27, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

From what I could tell from other transcription pages, that's how they are set up (at least most that I looked at). I agree with this set up too because transcripts are so long.--Knockinabout 22:18, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

ALSO i tried to use british spelling when i recognized that it called for it. feel free to check my work.  :) i used "learnt" instead of learned, "favourite" instead of favorite ... but there could be some things that i didn't notice i typed american-esq. Steve is King 21:48, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

Ditto for me when I add mine--Knockinabout 22:18, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

Right i've put mine in now, so that's 26-39, so i've left a gap so that the other's can slot there's in between mine and steveisking's. I used their first names, need to come to a decision on that really. --Bender32 07:37, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

I'll throw my 2 cents in on the formatting thing. I think this formatting looks really nice: . Could also put in a template that color-codes the names. I'll put some ideas up in the sandbox for your consideration. -Squeek

This is what I think would be best:
Ricky: XFM 104.9, kicking off there with the Dandy Warhols, Steve.
Steve: Sure.
Ricky: Ricky Gervais Show, with me Steve Merchant.

  • Boldface to distinguish.
  • No all caps (if full names) because its an eye sore.
  • Use full names because ... I just like it that way I guess (but this is probably the thing I care least about).
  • I also like the dividing headings.
  • Page breaks make it compact, I like that (can't think of a non-manual way to do it though).
  • Also I think this page will have to being moved to the /Transcript format of the summary page of this episode.
  • Not quite sold on the colored boxes, beautiful as they are. It just seems a bit excessive. I could be swayed though.

Anyone else have thoughts?--Knockinabout 18:35, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

nice work, everybody. i think

  • no all caps. hurts my eyes.
  • divider headings is good but we need to figure out how to do that/who does it. do we wait until it's all done and then have 1 person made headings for the entire show?
  • i'm also not sold on the need for colored boxes. it is pretty but seems like extra work that isn't necessary. which is almost exactly what KA said.

now a question: i ASSUMED that once transcripts were on the site, the text in them would be included in the list you get when you do a search. but i guess that is not true ... is it that it would become enormously cumbersome to have all that additional text possible when a search was done? but if you can't access the transcribed info when you do a search, i'm honestly not sure what the point of transcribing is. am i making sense? for example if i wanted to know all the times the boys mention "VHS" tapes and i put in "VHS", i get nothing right now. but i transcribed some VHS info. someone illuminate me on this por favor. Steve is King 19:08, 2 August 2007 (EDT)