Talk:15 November 2003/Transcript

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all right boys .... there's my first attempt, first 13 minutes. knockinabout - what do you think? i'm happy to fix it up however it needs to be. i was thinking if the other transcribers already started their formats might be different from mine, which will be a pain. probably we should've decided on a format together ahead of time (whoops). if you didn't start, maybe do it like i did? am i being bossy?  :)

Looks brilliant to me. As far as formatting goes this is fine. Like I mentioned, its ok if everyone does something different because I plan on bringing commonality to them. And yes that does me putting $/#/@ characters for names instead is alright, just as long as the character is uniquely "crtl+F-able". Bender suggested full names for better flow. I'm on the fence because most other transcripts use initials. Then again we could change all that too.--Knockinabout 22:18, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

also i felt like transcriptions need their own page so as to not overwhelm the regular episode page. but i'm open if you disagree.
Steve is King 21:27, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

From what I could tell from other transcription pages, that's how they are set up (at least most that I looked at). I agree with this set up too because transcripts are so long.--Knockinabout 22:18, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

ALSO i tried to use british spelling when i recognized that it called for it. feel free to check my work.  :) i used "learnt" instead of learned, "favourite" instead of favorite ... but there could be some things that i didn't notice i typed american-esq. Steve is King 21:48, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

Ditto for me when I add mine--Knockinabout 22:18, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

Right i've put mine in now, so that's 26-39, so i've left a gap so that the other's can slot there's in between mine and steveisking's. I used their first names, need to come to a decision on that really. --Bender32 07:37, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

I'll throw my 2 cents in on the formatting thing. I think this formatting looks really nice: . Could also put in a template that color-codes the names. I'll put some ideas up in the sandbox for your consideration. -Squeek

This is what I think would be best:
Ricky: XFM 104.9, kicking off there with the Dandy Warhols, Steve.
Steve: Sure.
Ricky: Ricky Gervais Show, with me Steve Merchant.

  • Boldface to distinguish.
  • No all caps (if full names) because its an eye sore.
  • Use full names because ... I just like it that way I guess (but this is probably the thing I care least about).
  • I also like the dividing headings.
  • Page breaks make it compact, I like that (can't think of a non-manual way to do it though).
  • Also I think this page will have to being moved to the /Transcript format of the summary page of this episode.
  • Not quite sold on the colored boxes, beautiful as they are. It just seems a bit excessive. I could be swayed though.

Anyone else have thoughts?--Knockinabout 18:35, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

nice work, everybody. i think

  • no all caps. hurts my eyes.
  • divider headings is good but we need to figure out how to do that/who does it. do we wait until it's all done and then have 1 person made headings for the entire show?
  • i'm also not sold on the need for colored boxes. it is pretty but seems like extra work that isn't necessary. which is almost exactly what KA said.

now a question: i ASSUMED that once transcripts were on the site, the text in them would be included in the list you get when you do a search. but i guess that is not true ... is it that it would become enormously cumbersome to have all that additional text possible when a search was done? but if you can't access the transcribed info when you do a search, i'm honestly not sure what the point of transcribing is. am i making sense? for example if i wanted to know all the times the boys mention "VHS" tapes and i put in "VHS", i get nothing right now. but i transcribed some VHS info. someone illuminate me on this por favor. Steve is King 19:08, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

@Steve is King: The reason why "VHS" as a search term doesn't show up with results is that (I think) the search has to be a minimum of x amount of letters, in this case its 3. But, if you search for "VHS tape," it returns results for "vhs" and "tape." Maybe something for Nigel to look into, since it is just a glitch in certain search terms. If you search for... "retro" lets say, it returns results from transcripts.

And, it really will be easy to use the colored transcript layout. I'll convert them into templates and show you the source. It will be simple, trust me. - Squeek

P.S. Why don't my posts get a timestamp added to them? :(