Previous usernames: none
Nickname(s): RC
Pilkipedia Accomplishments:
Name-checked by Ricky Gervais
RandyChimp is a frequent contributor to the RSK forum and has recently made the transition over to the Community side. He's a friendly Brit from the West Midlands who attracted the attention of Ricky Gervais as "the archetypical Pilkipedian" in Gervais' ongoing horrible Twitter existence.
Notable Quotes
On Ricky's Twitter (knowing Ricky could be reading): "'Hey, fans of my work have decided to use the internet to discuss what they like and dislike, which is a fairly good way of discussing things over a distance in a group. I'd better slag them off because I'm a massive bellend cunt. That'll get me more followers on twitter, right?'
He is such a fucking cunt. Such a FUCKING cunt!"