21 December 2002

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Xmas special

Karl's in a bad mood because he had a bad time last week, he didn't buy his girlfriend's dad anything for his birthday and got a joint birthday and Xmas card/he's not buying her anything for Xmas because he's taking her out for dinner at Xmas Pretenders - "2000 Miles" Vote for your favourite parts for next week's Best Of/Channel 4 have ripped off Rockbusters/Richard Anderson e-mail: "I've got to attend some family Xmas nonsense at Aunty Marion's house." Badly Drawn Boy - "Donner And Blitzen" Karl's Xmas memories: his drunken brother broke his trainset and he bought his mum a Victoria Plum and she thought it was "bloody awful..." "...so that's why I don't get anyone anything anymore." Athlete - "" Goldrush - "I Let You Down" More of Karl's Xmas memories: his parents' parties where the whole estate came, Karl found a cigar and tried it/Steve's grandparents are waiting to die Teenage Fanclub - "Christmas Eve" Ross Noble sent Karl a picture from "Bizarre": kid with a big head Karl went to see The Christians in concert and his dad was worried, Karl's mum told him not to tell anyone he's not christened as there's witches and stuff - "she was worried about when you were naive and stupid and easily-led" Rockbusters non-Xmas special which Karl has cleverly tweaked because Heat magazine said it might be a special Xams edition: "there's a load of letters there asking for advice, put them on Claire's desk - oh, and have a good Christmas" - F, "Ask yer mam if you should, after you've wrapped the presents" - S, "A couple of people were arguing in the supermarket at the fruit and veg counter and it's busy in there because it's Christmas"- B ? - "?" The toilet doesn't work/using disabled toilets/giving directions... "I need some blood" The Pogues - "Fairytale Of New York" Canned Laughter for Denis Norden/ "Pilkington: Do We Need 'Em?" 1: Jellyfish, with Vicky in an aquarium in Angelsey Feeder - "Just The Way I'm Feeling" Victoria Plum/documentary about fellas with no legs nicking cars/Educating Ricky: "Well, You'd Think It Be Bug-Head, Wouldn't You?" "We've talked a lot about animals without heads..." Mark Eitzel - "Snowbird" A Victoria Plum on eBay/Educating Ricky: "Ooh, What A Cat-Toes-Trophe": a cat had too many toes and was really good in the snow - are disabilities all bad? Look on the bright side! John Lennon - "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" Presents for Karl: Champagne Rockbusters answers: Foreigner - "that is shit" - Shalamar, Bananarama - "What group is 'Bananadrama'? You're a fool! You're a twat!"/Steve tries to kiss Karl Joni Mitchell - ""