Pork chop

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The Pork Chop Tumour

(see Episode 3, Series 1(not the early years)

This is one of Karl's more ridiculous stories that he read 'on some site' on the internet: It begins when the three of them are discussing doctors, and Karl gives this as one of the reasons he doesn't trust them...

An old woman visits her GP for a routine check up, as she's getting on a bit, and just wants to make sure she's ok, the Dr asks her to undress, he gives her an 'all over' check and pronounces her in perfect health, however, as she turns her back to get dressed the Dr says "Oh God!" the lady asks whats wrong and the Dr says " There's a lump...a tumour on your buttock..." and so the Dr immediately schedules the old woman for an operation. And so the operation goes ahead a few days later, and the surgeons find out that the tumour, is not in fact, a tumour but...... A pork chop. Apparently she sat on one five years ago, and over the years it fused to become a part of her...

To which Ricky replies "i'm leaving, i'm never doin this shows again, THIS WOMAN HAD A PORK CHOP STUCK TO HER ASS FOR 5 YEARS! YOU MENTAL CASE! OF COURSE SHE DIDN'T"
