Proposed Features
Proposed Features is a list of ideas Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington talked about on their Xfm radio show but never developed.
Around the World in Eighty Gervais
Proposed on the 04 January 2003 show, this feature would have been one in which Karl would have presented Ricky with travel information and tips. While this never materialised as a feature, this idea may ultimately have led to his 2nd book Happyslapped By A Jellyfish in 2007.
"Like you'd go - 'Don't wanna go there'". ~ Karl
Big Mother

A feature proposed by Karl on 12 October 2002. The premise was anyone who had an obese mother could call in to win a prize. Karl quickly dismissed the idea after criticism from Gervais who asked "How can you prove that?"
'Big Mother', right? You call in, if your mum's heavy you win a CD. - Karl Pilkington
Con Merchant
Con Merchant was a feature that Karl suggested after he ran out of material for Educating Ricky. It involved Karl trying to "trick" Steve in a 'Call My Bluff' format.
Fifteen Taiwan

A feature Karl proposed on 12 October 2002. Channel 4 had recently cancelled the quiz show '15 to 1', which gave Karl the idea for the game. He explained it that he'd get 15 items made in Taiwan and have Ricky and Steve guess which was made in Taiwan. Clear to all three of them that this made no sense, Karl quickly moved on to his other ideas.
Good and Bad
An idea thought up by Ricky on 26 July 2003 literally in the middle of Steve's reading out of the Songs of Phrase clues, "Good and Bad" was inspired by Karl saying it was OK to say something bad about a people group if you also said something good about them. His example was "the Chinese don't age well" but also that Chinese women are very good looking when they are younger. Ricky attempted to ask Karl a "Good and Bad" about old people and people in wheelchairs. This feature never moved much beyond a proposition.
Shut-Up-a-Gervais was a proposed feature for the Xfm shows during Season 2, which was never actually included in the show. The title is based on the famous Joe Dolce song, Shaddap You Face. Ricky said the feature/sitcom would be based around him playing an Italian waiter.
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue was a feature proposed by Stephen Merchant and was elaborated on 01 December 2001. The idea was to play something old, an old song, something new, a new song, something borrowed, a cover version of a song, and something blue, a melancholy song. The songs would be played over the course of the show. Ricky was a bit critical of the idea and proceeded to tout his own "That Film Sounds Good" feature. Karl agreed with Ricky and the idea never materialized.
Strike It Ricky

Karl's idea for a game show based on the title of a '90s game show. Karl never had an idea for what the game would be but thought Ricky "sounded a bit like lucky". When Ricky and Steve laughed hysterically at this, Karl quickly bagged it to move on to his next ill-thought-thru idea.
Proposed on 12 October 2002 this feature never saw the light of day.
The Rice Is Right

A feature Karl proposed on 12 October 2002. The idea presented was that Karl would read from an Indian menu and a Chinese menu, and Ricky and Steve would tell him whether they'd have rice pilau or egg fried. Ricky and Steve were (understandably) confused, even when Karl explained further that they wouldn't know which menu he was reading from. Karl was adamant that it needed to be done that way, otherwise the name wouldn't work.
OK. I forgot you're working from the title backwards, aren't ya. ~ Ricky Gervais
Whine Merchant
Whine Merchant was a feature that Karl suggested after he ran out of material for Educating Ricky. It would have involved Steve just "having a moan for a bit".
- Celebrity Fact Club - Through the Rick-key Hole