Dr Frog

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Dr Frog is the name of a comedy person a Ricky Gervais uses whilst recording an advertisement for Capital Radio, advertising the Xfm magazine and it's contents, and appears on the 26 April 2003 show. The character is somewhat of a satirical parody of Dr Neil Fox, where Gervais employs a whacky persona in an attempt to sell the aforementioned magazine. Before recording the advertisement featuring Dr Frog, Ricky recorded an another which he spoke in a slow, incoherent and monotone Mancunian dialect, possibly mocking Karl due to the inclusing of "buy it innit" and "alright" to the end of the advertisement.

In an attempt to try and pass both of the advertisements off to Andrew Philips and various others, Karl feigned laughter in an attempt to salvage them for use claiming that "If i laughed [Andrew] might say 'Well, I don't get it, but he seems to like it' " and retain the advertisement. Nevertheless, Karl only mentions that the first of the advertisements was to be broadcast, with Dr Frog advertisement being excluded from the broadcast schedule.