Nill Demand

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Nill Demand

Previous usernames: none

Nickname(s): ND (nood)

Pilkipedia Accomplishments:

Co-Creator, "Mars Demand"

Creator, "What Was Your Last Post?" thread


Nill Demand, an actual certified pilot from New Zealand, has made a reputation on the forum for his acerbic wit and entertaining Photoshoppery. He's also a musician with musician's taste, and has regularly contributed to the threads in the Sound Board forum. When he first joined, his appearance was often compared to that of Dam Helder to the chagrin of both. Nowadays, his humor often gets him compared to the chagrin of both.

Notable Quotes

"Ricky only caters to America? I think you're talking shit to be honest. A quick google search of "Rick Gervais Catering" brought up this:

How do you explain that, then?"