Previous usernames: none
Nickname(s): chinch
Pilkipedia Accomplishments:
Co-host of three LoudySpeak podcasts: "The Entertaining Funny Podcast Show", "SuperCrazyFunFun", and "Stuff About Things" along with mars bah bah bah.
Composer of "The Sausage Roll Song".
Known for his unusual writing style and well-tempered nihilism, chinchilla hails from Surrey, England. He has a day job but is also a proper stand-up comic, having appeared at various festivals including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. His antics on the forum (for want of a better term) have made him one of the most enduring and popular members, and a thread he started, "Have You Got Nothing To Say But A Need To Say It???" is by far the biggest one in the General forum, proving that Pilkipedians do, indeed, have nothing to say...but a need to say it.
Notable Quotes
To Ricky Gervais:"you dont hate someoen because they made a worse sitcom than the hate them because they are consistently an arsehole...and if you think you are not....just double check what you write- though i'm sure if that particular skill was in you repertoire we'd have never had to sit through that gushing cunt of fuck that was life's too short.
i should have known this ever since you said toob"
"i saw a cow
in a field,
shud've had 2;
it would have increased the beef yield"