Talk:Horse in the House

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Just a couple of notes here guys:

  • I don't know which of the Radio 2 shows has the mention of people questioning the horse in the house but i think it was the Xmas eve one, theres no mention of it on the ep page though. If someone knows it, it would be great if you could put the specific episode in there.
  • If i remember right the story actually hasn't been repeated that many times but i think it has been mentioned at least once after the original telling but i couldn't find any other ep pages, again if someone knows the episodes just put them at the bottom.
  • I've put two red links into this page, one for Manchester and one for "The Estate". I think they're both worthy of a page but I'm not sure. There's no point making a page if we cant fill it. Do you think they'd be alright pages?? Maybe we don't need both, we could maybe just do a Manchester one and have a section on the estate as part of it..??

any thoughts???
